What is an Air Conditioning Condenser, and How Do I Maintain it?


The condenser of your air conditioning system is the large bulky unit that stays outside. It contains a number of important parts, such as a compressor, a fan, tubing, and cooling fins. If any of these parts are damaged, blocked by debris, or are otherwise malfunctioning, your air conditioning might stop working—and worse, a broken or malfunctioning part could lead …

The Real Benefit of HVAC Maintenance is in the Numbers: How to Save Thousands

save money with hvac maintenance

Consider this for a moment: The average cost of an HVAC maintenance visit is under $100. The cost of replacing an HVAC system can be as much as $12,000. That’s a huge difference. Here’s the really shocking thing though: the leading cause of “total HVAC failure,” i.e., systems that require replacement, is lack of maintenance. Many homeowners have been shocked …

How to Know if You Should Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner

repair or replace air conditioner

Anything can be repaired, including air conditioners. It pretty much just comes down to how much time, effort, and money you’re willing to throw at it—at some point the cost of a repair is going to outweigh the cost of a replacement. Having said that, we’re still sometimes surprised when a homeowner asks us for a second opinion on whether …